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Grief Affirmations™ Privacy Policy

Here's how we commit to use and protect the personal information you submit to us…

Your access and use of our site means you agree to the terms and conditions and data practices per our privacy policy.

Joining our mailing - Joining our mailing list isn't a requirement to enjoy browsing our site. Should you opt-in to our mailing list, you will get information on product related updates and flash sales.

We use a two-step subscription to opt-in to our mailing list for everyone.

How we'll use your personal information - To purchase from driven-us.com will require you to share your personal information (i.e. name, billing address, payment info, phone number, email address, etc). We will only use the information as needed to fulfill your order and/or communicate with you about our products. We will not sell or share your personal information with any unaffiliated company except to provide products you have requested.

Information from Third Parties - We may receive order fulfillment information about you from third party sources you use at checkout. We will only use this information to send you the elegant items you asked for.

Automated collection - When you access our website, we may collect information like your IP address, referring website, pages viewed, clicked links and time spent on the site. We'll use this information to improve the usability of our site.

Cookies (not Oreos) - A cookie is a small data file we download to your computer. It contains information about you. We will use this information to facilitate interaction with our site (i.e. browser recognition, to store contents of your shopping cart until check out and save you time during checkout). Cookies also allow us to target the interests of our site users to enhance the overall experience when you visit our site. We may use session cookies--they expire when you end your session/close your browser. We may use persistent cookies--they hang out on your computer until you clear/delete your cookies. No worries if you delete our cookies, you can still use our site. You will just have to reintroduce yourself to us every time you visit our site after deleting the cookies. THAT can get tiring. To improve your experience, set your browser to accept cookies.

Blogs - If you comment to one of our blogs, it may be publicly visible.

Facebook/Instagram Ads - We use social media to grow our online business. We may receive information about your online activities from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your online activity. Partners receive your data when you visit or use their services or through third parties they work with. We require these partners to have lawful rights to collect, use and share your data before providing any data to us. To learn more about how we use cookies in connection with Facebook Business Tools, review the Facebook Cookies Policy and Instagram Cookies Policy. Learn more about how you can control the information shared about you with third-party partners in the Facebook Settings and Instagram Settings.

Legal requests - We share information in response to legal requests.

Opt-out of our mailing list - Though we don't want to see you go, we legally can't keep you on the list of good, wholesome, uplifting, life-changing emails should you opt-out of notifications. To opt-out, simply click the unsubscribe link contained in one of our emails or email us at [email protected] to unsubscribe. Driven is the parent company of griefaffirmations.com.

Tu quidem reddes; Bonum negas esse divitias, praeposìtum esse dicis?